Extensive Expert Training on Instructor 6.5

Learning & Mastering ToolBook Instructor™ gives you state-of-the-art training on today's premier Computer-Based Training (CBT) authoring environment - Instructor™ 6.5.   In depth yet easy to understand, Learning & Mastering ToolBook Instructor™ gives you almost 20 hours of training on all aspects of using Instructor.  It is ideally suited for every developer from beginner to advanced.


Training for all levels of ToolBook User
This training application contains information and exercises designed to help the student both Learn Instructor™ and Master it.   Whether you are just starting out or have been using ToolBook for a long time, the depth of the training will give you what you need.

Table of Contents
Detailed Demonstrations
Students can "look over the shoulder" of expert developers as they accomplish specific tasks.

The Show Me Screen (Used for Demos)
Hands-On Exercises
Moving beyond simple hot-spot based training.  The hands-on exercises place you in a fully functioning simulation of the Instructor™ environment.  Menus, short-cut keys, and ToolBar buttons all work.

The Let Me Try Screen (Used for Practices)
Expert Tips
The training contains tons of real-world tips from expert ToolBook developers.  These tips go beyond the manual, beyond the official party line.  Hear experts' favorite tips on a subject related to your training screen.  Or browse the whole list of tips for the information you are looking for.

The Expert Tips Screen
OpenScript Tips
Learn the power of ToolBook's scripting capabilities through numerous fully-commented openScript samples ready to be copied in to your application.
When you're ready, take the certification exam.  At the end of the exam, you'll be able to print out a certificate showing your certification score.
Customizable and fully animated narrator. Choose your favorite narrator in the control panel, set whether you want to hear his words, read them, or both (or neither).

Merlin blowing his own horn
How did they do that?
If you own Instructor™ 6, you'll be able to operate the training using either runtime or author-level Instructor.  Author-level Instructor™ will give you you the ability to look "behind the scenes" and see how each part of the training was accomplished.   Let's say that you're on a page with an interaction that you like.  You can simply go to Author and look at the script for the page to see our techniques. 

System Requirements

Learning & Mastering ToolBook II Instructor 6.5 may run on any system that can run ToolBook. If you would like to open the training in Author mode to see how the training was created, you will need Instructor 6.X.

Availability & Pricing

Learning and Mastering ToolBook Instructor 6.5™ is available right now!

You can buy this directly from Platte Canyon worldwide
Call: 1-888-ToolBK-1 (1-888-866-5251) or 719-548-1110.
or use the  Platte Canyon Web Order Form  to place your order on-line!

The CBT is priced at $165 per CD.

This courseware was developed using Instructor, Progress Tracker™ and Plug-In Pro™.

User Comments

  • I was getting ready to start a big conversion project at the time (4 courses from Lectora to ToolBook) and was in desperate need of quick training. I was looking at either getting training from SumTotal or purchasing your CD. The CD gave me exactly what I needed to complete the course. Thanks for putting out such a great product.
  • I would heartily recommend the "Learning & Mastering" CD from Platte Canyon. It's got all the tips, tricks, and code you'll need to get you off to a good start.
  • I have found the "Learning and Mastering" CD to be an invaluable resource!
  • It is really both a good beginners guide to ToolBook, as well a very good source of inspiration & information for more experienced ToolBook users. I spent quite a bit of time with it, and I suspect that I'll keep returning to it for inspiration.
  • The Platte Canyon Instructor CBT is excellent! As a semi-advanced developer, I couldn't wait to study the code behind this training. In fact, I probably spent 2 hours studying system book code before I got to course menu. I've had a difficult time finding useful examples of advanced OpenScript on the Web, but the Instructor CBT provides a library of them. Two particularly useful Neuron deployment tips have really improved my Web-based course distributions. The Microsoft Agent code examples, alone, are worth the price of admission. Thanks for a super product! I'm really glad Platte Canyon is around to provide 3rd party products for ToolBook.
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