Programming for e-Learning Developers: ToolBook®, Flash®, JavaScript, and Silverlight
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It is also available at the major online bookstores. One advantage of purchasing the book here, though, is that Jeff will be happy to sign your copy and write a short note.
Read review in Learning Solutions magazine
As an e-Learning developer since 1993, I have found that even a little programming can go a long way in terms of increasing our ability to create meaningful interactions for our users. To do that, however,
entails understanding basic programming concepts like events, properties, and methods. Add to that the
requirement to perform more advanced tasks like adding hyperlinks, communicating via SCORM with your Learning Management System, loading media or graphics, and using a web service to send email from your application, and you have the need for some "real" programming. Rather than hiring a pricey consultant, however, you can use this book to learn the concepts to get the job done.
Many e-Learning developers use multiple tools. Even if you stick to a single tool like Flash or ToolBook, you still likely have the need to make external JavaScript calls in order to get extra functionality. So rather than focus on a single tool, this book takes each of our programming challenges and solves it in ToolBook - OpenScript, ToolBook - Actions Editor, Flash, JavaScript, and Silverlight. While you may not use all these environments currently, seeing the similarly of programming concepts across all the environments will enhance your skills in your tool(s) of choice.
For a detailed listing of topics, please see the book's Table of Contents.
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About the Author:
Jeff Rhodes is the Chief Technical Officer and owner of Platte Canyon Multimedia Software Corporation, a leader in developing commercial software that Improves the Lives of Training Developers. He graduated at the top of his class at the Air Force Academy, where he earned a Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering. Jeff received a Master's degree in Economics from the London School of Economics, which he attended under a British Marshall Scholarship. Jeff is the author of VBTrain.Net: Creating Computer and Web Based Training with Visual Basic® .NET and co-wrote The ToolBook® Companion. He has had numerous articles on training development published and is a frequent presenter at conferences both in the U.S. and Europe. Jeff lives in Colorado Springs with his wife Sue and sons Derek and Michael.
Programming for e-Learning Developers Price
Description |
Programming for e-Learning Developers
360-page soft cover Book |
$29.95 (free shipping in the US) |
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This is a book that should be in the library of any organization that is doing in-house development of e-Learning. I would even recommend it to those who are using rapid development tools, just because of the information on using JavaScript and Flash.
Probably my favorite parts of this book are the chapters on dynamically loading graphics, reading XML, and making SCORM calls. In my opinion, these three chapters alone are worth the price of the book. I don’t know that you will find the content on making SCORM calls from Silverlight anywhere else.
Another good feature is the way Rhodes points out unique features of each tool. For example, he is very helpful in showing how to use the Popup in Silverlight as an alternative to the Message Box. In doing this, he manages to still take things in order from simple to complex. The further you go in the book, the more complex and lengthy the code examples get (good thing you don’t have to type them in yourself!).
Rhodes has done a superlative job, complete with lots of screen shots and code examples.
Your book arrived and we are all impressed, not only on the content, but the way that you have it organized and made so easy to make parallels between the languages. It gives a lot of confidence to “cook” ideas in a tool-independent way. That’s what I think put you light years ahead ordinary references and some common corporate IT thinking. Thanks!
Wow, "Hello World!", "Bonjour monde!", "Hallo Welt!", "Hola mundo!" - That's "Hello World!" in four languages, but here I have not let on which language is which:-) Jeff has excelled once again, here we have a book that clearly explains, step by step, how to do the much loved popup box - "This is a test" in ToolBook OpenScript, ToolBook Actions, Flash, Silverlight and JavaScript. But wait, there's more to this book than "Hello World!", Jeff takes us through many examples of easily understood programming tasks detailing how to achieve these tasks using more than one tool. I highly recommend this book to you.