TBK Tracker 2.1 Support Page

We recommend that current users of TBK Tracker download all of the following files.

File Name and Description File
For Users Of ToolBook Instructor 8.1  
December 18, 2000

Please go to the special TBK Tracker 2.1 Instructor 8.1 support page.
Link to Page Here
September 20, 2000
  1. Added new implementation of reading in students from the database to make it faster.

June 6, 2000
  1. Invalid Course Times
    Involved a flag not being set when returning to the front end book from a lesson. This re-started session course clock each time the student returned to the front end book, resulting in lost course time.
  2. New User Password Update Error
    In situation of changing courses same session, if a new user selected a second course that required a password when first course hadn't, ended up attempting to update the password for a user that didn't exist; resulted in error message.
  3. Invalid Completion Status for Visited Method
    Completion status based on pages visited was passing invalid parameter. Led to completion status of true without all pages being visited in certain situations.
  4. Updated code using ASYM_BlockSuspend() and ASYM_RestoreSuspend() to maintain original sysError and sysErrorNumber settings.
for TB 7.2


for TB 7.1


September 20, 2000
  1. Improved the "matching" code when students type in their name to increase speed.

June 6, 2000
  1. Updated code using ASYM_BlockSuspend() and ASYM_RestoreSuspend() to maintain original sysError and sysErrorNumber settings.
for TB 7.2


for TB 7.1

September 18, 2000
  1. Made minor updates.

June 6, 2000
  1. Updated code using ASYM_BlockSuspend() and ASYM_RestoreSuspend() to maintain original  sysError and sysErrorNumber settings.
tbkdev2.sbk for TB 7.2
(This file is not available on-line. Please email support@plattecanyon.com)

tbkdev2.sbk for TB 7.1
(This file is not available on-line. Please email support@plattecanyon.com)